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Continuous integration with Jenkins

Recently I looked into continuous integration for Android applications, that I hosted on Github. After some research cloudbees.com caught my interest. Here I will shortly describe how to set this up in about 15 minutes.

Prerequisite: Cloudbees account. Also posible to use youre google account.
Github account with a public repository. Private is posible too, but will discus later.

Step one:
Setup your cloubees account and go to builds.

Step two:
Enter a job name and select “Build a free-style software project” and hit OK.

Step three:
Fill in the following:

At Source Code Management choose Git and enter you’re repository.
for example:


At Build do the following:
Add build step and choose Execute shell.
Enter the following in the box:

#generate the local.properties file
    rm -f local.properties
    $ANDROID_HOME/tools/android update project --path ./

Then add another build step but this time choose:
Invoke Ant and enter the preferred ant builds. For now just type:

clean debug

Now on the right choose advanced and setup the build.xml file. Normally this is in the root of the project so enter there:


//Side note If you have not configured your Android project for Ant build see the following website how to setup your project for ANT.

Final step:
Then presse Apply and Save. This will bring you back to you’re job. Now all you have to do is choose build now and you are done! Take a QR code When the build is successful you can find back the debug .APK that Jenkins has generated, go to workspace and choose bin. project.APK.

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